Granville’s Bryn Du Mansion is no stranger to horses. Horses have been present on the Bryn Du grounds for over a century. Former mansion resident, Sally Jones, was a world famous equestrian who housed many horses in the Bryn Du stables. As a nod to the mansion’s history, it is a natural home for equestrian sportsmanship.

Present day, anyone can come see horses, or as they are officially called in the sport, “polo ponies.” The festivities are in action every other Sunday from May to October starting at 4:00pm on the lawn of the Bryn Du Mansion, (also known as the Great Lawn). Follow Bryn Du Mansion’s Facebook page for weather cancellations.

Belgium native, Horace Henriot, started the Play Polo Club in Westerville in 2013 in hopes of introducing the sport to men and women who had never played polo. His club has been playing bi-weekly matches at the Bryn Du Mansion ever since.

Horace’s wife Tina announces the matches, explaining the rules and adding in fun polo facts for the audience. Their six children are also very involved with the sport, from participating in the matches or helping tend to the horses at their farm where they board the polo ponies.

If you’ve never seen polo played, the matches on the Great Lawn are a perfect place to start. Horace and his wife want the sport to be accessible for all, players and viewers alike. They want to encourage everyone to come out and watch the matches, dress up or dress down! The highlight for many youngsters comes at half time during the ceremonial divot stomp. All guests can partake in it, just don’t wear your best shoes!

Guests also love lining up to wave to the players and often even get a chance to meet the athletes - in both human and horse form. Many of the polo ponies are Creosios, a South American breed that are known for their speed and ability to stop and turn quickly.

According to Tina, match attendees, “can expect to have a really lovely afternoon, to bring a picnic and learn something new regarding the sport and a little bit of history of the sport and to be with the community.”

Another feature of the polo matches is that it provides a great outdoor family activity where folks can easily social distance from others given the vast size of the Bryn Du lawn. It’s a perfect event if you’re looking for some family fun this summer.

Not only is polo a sport for anyone to come watch and enjoy, but also for anyone to play. According to Horace, “it’s a hard game to get really good at but it’s not a hard game to start playing.” Horace wants to make the sport accessible to beginners and notes that many folks who first come to their polo club have never even been on a horse before.

Per Tina, lessons are taken by children as young as 8 who can ride a horse and they even have players in their 70s. “Teams are co-ed and it’s a great sport for families and for men and women and all ages. People are playing together regardless of their age and regardless of their gender.”

If you are interested in giving polo a try, contact Tina Henriot at the Play Polo Club and she will schedule a lesson for you. You don’t have to bring a horse, just yourself! Be sure to bring your family to the polo matches at Bryn Du Mansion this summer!