The First Presbyterian Church of Granville has a goal, “Within the next 5 Years, we aim to plant 1500 healthy, native trees in public spaces in our community to do our part in caring for this place we call home.”

The idea came to light during an adult education discussion group at the church on the book “The Gospel According to the Earth” by Matthew Sleeth. The book touts many benefits of planting trees. The obvious, beauty, community pride and health to our environment. Studies have also shown benefits go beyond, linking trees and vegetation in a city, to reducing crime rate. From these discussions, along with the Church’s pledge of being an Earth Care Congregation, the 1500 Trees for life project was born. Last fall, as part of a pilot launch, 25 trees were planted near the new Village and Township Service Facility. Trees range in size from 6 to 15ft tall. Moving forward, trees will be planted in the spring and fall each year throughout Granville and Licking County